HOWTO: Speed up wired internet connection

This worked for me here with my wired connection on my iMac G5.

I noticed that my PC was always running at a faster speed than my iMac, almost twice as fast using both and speedtests.

The fix for me was going to System Prefrences > Network > Click Configure on Built-in Ethernet. Go to the Ethernet tab and change Configure to Manual.

On the next drop down boxes, change Speed to 100baseTX and the Duplex to full-duplex. Apply the settings and now run the speed tests.
This probably depends on your ISP. I've never had any problems with my default setup, and after applying these changes, my connection actually tested worse on some of the sites I tried (and about the same on some others, but not faster on any).

*shrug* YMMV, I guess.
That change works for some and not for others.

I did that about 6 months ago. Worked for me.
not for networks though. i didn't notice a speed increase as such, more that it slowed to about 0kb/s, almost instantly...
Well, only if your switch supports 100K/s, full duplex, should you choose those settings... My ethernet is set to autonegotiate, and it settles on 100 full on its own, so that would make no difference.
The "speed" up tip is a known problem on some networks. On some old switches with auto sense the Mac's nic cannot configer itself correctly from the switch. I've noticed this on some 3com and HP managed switches. I've solved some problems by updating the switch's firmware.
This worked for me here with my wired connection on my iMac G5.

I noticed that my PC was always running at a faster speed than my iMac, almost twice as fast using both and speedtests.

The fix for me was going to System Prefrences > Network > Click Configure on Built-in Ethernet. Go to the Ethernet tab and change Configure to Manual.

On the next drop down boxes, change Speed to 100baseTX and the Duplex to full-duplex. Apply the settings and now run the speed tests.

I think I know what this does.. depending on your configuration:

The 10/100/1000 baseTX is obviously the maximum connection speed that you mac and hub can sustain. For example, an iMac with 1000 mb/s speed and a hub with 100 mb/s speed can only support a max of 100 baseTX..

Some routers operate as a switch, delivering 100 MB in and out (Full-duplex). Other, non-swich routers deliver a total of 100 MB, 50 in and 50 out. (half-duplex)

As for the MTU.. probably best right where it is.
Have you access to router to see if it set at 10mb or 100mb? Other question have you install Speed Download. Will it helps?
The easiest way to find the speed of the router is to look up the model number. Most routers will be at 100 mb/s (unless they are really old), and most macs support at least 100 mb/s (All non-beige, I believe), so 100 is a good bet. Of course, if you see an option for 1000 BaseTX, and you have a gigabit switch, 1000 BaseTX would be best.
it seems quicker. Sometimes my wireless signal drops and i have to keep turning wireless on and off again. So maybe this will help?
The fix for me was going to System Prefrences > Network > Click Configure on Built-in Ethernet. Go to the Ethernet tab and change Configure to Manual.

On the next drop down boxes, change Speed to 100baseTX and the Duplex to full-duplex. Apply the settings and now run the speed tests.

I'm using OS X 10.4.5 and can't find the drop downs for Speed. I'm in manual Ethernet config.
Try Mac Pilot (shareware) for one of the best network tweaking apps ever.

Permanent settings for broadband ... cool. Other apps say they do this, but only until restart, and MP verifies the settings. Excellent app.