I just got iWork ;-)

thats great!
just what Im looking for!
come to think of it, the cmd [] might actually be helpfull
make sure i dont put notes on the wrong level.
Salvo said:
I want to know if the iLife integration works with iLife '04, or do you need iLife '05? If it only works with iLife '05, I guess I'd have to upgrade iLife at the same time.
The integration works perfectly with iLife 04 apps.
Does Keynote 2 allow the use of error bars when generating graphs? I make scientific presentations often, and require this. Is it feasible?

Thank you in advance
Will Pages do bulleted lists if you put a bullet (option + 8) character before the first item?
Technical Question:
Is a Pages document Structured or Styled. What I mean is, Is the XML File a series of On/Off Tags, like HTML, WordPerfect and DocBook, or is it just a series of entities with Properties, like Word and RTF.

I always loved the fact that in WordPerfect, I could Reveal Codes and Delete/Add tags within the document logically, while with Styled Documents like Word, where every entity within a document has it's own style, I would get unpredictable results when I'd change one aspect of a document.

WordPerfect implemented Styles by grouping Multiple Formatting Tags into one Styling Tag, so for example, the
[Heading 1>Text Here<Heading 1]
style was actually
[Heading 1:Bold, +5, Underline, Center>Text Here<Heading 1:Un-Center, Un-Underline, -5, Un-Bold, HRT]

A Word document would be
[Heading 1 "T"][Heading 1 "e"][Heading 1 "x"][Heading 1 "t"][Heading 1 " "][Heading 1 "H"][Heading 1 "e"][Heading 1 "r"][Heading 1 "e"][Heading 1 "¶"]

If you changed how Heading 1 was defined in the Structured Document, only Opening and Closing Tags had to be modified, while a Styled Document would require every entity to be Changed.

A Styled Document would be easier to cut-and-paste though, since you'd have to make sure you selected Opening and Closing Tags when cut-and-pasting Structured Text.
It is definitely in the structured camp. It acts like HTML formatted with div and span tags. I have used it through the weekend and I do like it much more than Word, but then again I like LaTeX much more than Word. YMMV

I am in a bit of a rush but I can fill in more info this evening if you are interested.
what it comes down to, is does pages compare to word for writing documents. Im sure its great, apple software allways is, but does it have the advanced features and stuff that has kept word on top all these years. Im trying to decide weather to get iWork or word with my new powerbook. Ill mostly just be taking notes and writing essays, nothing more really. And id really rather have a great mac product for 80 bucks compared to the 200 i would have to feed Gates.
For me, I would say yes with one caviat: if I need to do documents containing spreadsheets or graphs, I will have to stick to Word for now. Yes, pages can do charts, but not being associated with a true spreadsheet makes them of limited use to me. However, for documents containing just text and media I would definitely use Pages over Word. I have found it to be much easier to accomplish what I want to with.
Why for heaven's sake do you want 'tab' to change the level of indent? Tab, in a word processing application, should create a whitespace to the next defined tabulator. I sure hope Apple doesn't listen to this discussion or thinks about it more thoroughly than just changing the behaviour... Sadly, right now it doesn't even do tabs right, it just creates spaces... :/
What do you mean it doesn't do tabs right. I goes to the next tab stop for me and I can define them where I want them to be. What are you seeing?

I also want to vote for tab indenting in outlines, that is more natural and I never ever use tab the way I learned to on the old mechanical typewriter. For the most part it is a vestigial key and can be put to much better uses.