I thought bsd is autoinstalled on 10.4?


I'm getting an error using forty-two that the bsd subsystem must be installed... yet I'm running 10.4.. I cannot find on the OS X disc where I can reinstall bsd either. Any advice?

The BSD-subsystem _is_ installed in Tiger (you can't deselect it anymore, AFAIK and was _always_ part of the standard OS X installation). The problem, I guess, is on Forty-Two's side. It might expect one specific tool which Apple excluded in a newer BSD-subsystem version. You'd have to find out which tools specifically 42 expects and install _those_. (Probably open source shell tools.)

I'd ask the creator(s) of Forty-Two for help. Do they have a FAQ/forum maybe? If you find out what the problem was, please report it here.