iBook G4 (late 2004) Major CD-Rom Problem.


Whenever ever I put a CD into my CD-Rom drive (MATSHITA CD-RW CW-8123), it sounds like it's reading it for a second(not a normal sound though), pauses for 5 or 6 seconds and spits the disk out. Whenever I go to "Startup Disk" in my system preferences, my CD-Rom isn't an option, but in the "System Profiler" (found in applications<utilities) it's there under ATA-3 Bus.

I'm hoping that it's not broken, but I fear that may be the problem.

I've already tried resetting my PMU and that didn't help.

:eek: :confused:
If you've tried other cd's to the same result, then yes, that's a fairly common drive failure.

That behavior will also happen when you insert a dvd into a non-dvd drive.

Thankfully, the replacement drives are only about $50 bucks right now.

good luck
I have a similar problem with the exact same computer and drive. It's been working fine for years, but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to register any cds. It DOES work fine with DVDs, though, which I find pretty odd...

I've tried resetting PMU and PRAM without any luck.
I just started having a similar problem with my PowerBook 1GHZ G4. I guess these drives weren't built to last.