ImageMagick Help!!!

Well, first download it from here. Then, look for a setup thing, or drag the program to the hard drive. You'll have to be more specific if you are having a problem with the actual install process..

You might need stuffit
Open the folder, and there will either be a setup, which you can run, or the actual program, which you can drag to your applications folder. You might need stuffit (in my other post) to open the file.
Oh, I see. You'll need to do a ./configure, make and make install (commands). This doc covers installation.
unfortunately the link for installing under OS X is dead, infact so is the link for Windows installation, but we don't care about that one.(wink-wink)
jbarley said:
unfortunately the link for installing under OS X is dead, infact so is the link for Windows installation, but we don't care about that one.(wink-wink)
Really? The link works fine on my end.. search google for "install imagemagik"
If you have fink installed you can install imagemagick by opening a terminal and typing the command:

sudo /sw/bin/apt-get install imagemagick
what happens when i tri to use fink Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
imagemagick: Depends: x11 but it is not installable. For Fink users, this often means that you have attempted to install a package from the binary distribution which depends on a "Restrictive" package. See <>, <>
Depends: x11-shlibs but it is not installable. For Fink users, this often means that you have attempted to install a package from the binary distribution which depends on a "Restrictive" package. See <>, <>
Depends: ghostscript
E: Sorry, broken packages