installing additional RAM in new powerbook yourself??


can anyone point me in the direction of a howto on installing additinal RAM in the newest model of powerbooks..

i just got my new 15", 1.5, 512 RAM, combo yesterday and i ordered another 512-stick right away.. but i can seem to understand how to get underneath the keyboard. on my former iBook it was easy to lift it up, but the PB doesnt have the same system it seems..

2nd question; where can i by an english keyboard(my PB came with a french one), and will this be easy to change myself? can i change the places of some of the keys by pulling them "up and out"?

You don't need to lift up the keyboard. Turn your powerbook over and you'll see a tiny square plate in the centre. Take out the battery then unscrew this plate. Here you will find the 2 ram slots for your powerbook.

There are two clips on either side of the RAM thats on top. Pull the clips away from the RAM and the chip should pop up slightly, lift it up and it slides out at a 45 degree angle. Pop the new chip in making sure its firmly in and reverse the procedure.

I just installed a 1gb stick yesterday its dead easy.
Miss_Lateralus said:
I just installed a 1gb stick yesterday its dead easy.

yea, it is i just installed 256 MB of RAM in my mom's laptop from Crucial. I thought that it was going to be a pain too, but it was a fairly quick and painless procedure. :rolleyes: check out crucial's website for guides
i had a good lokk at too find that guide, but can't seem to find it - any chance you may provide a specific link??

thanks alot btw - very helpful!

so.. what about getting an additional keyboard? any ideas?
