iPhone 3G battery suddenly not lasting


Hi everyone,

I have had an iPhone 3G 16GB for a year. I know its batery is not the greatest kick, but since a few days ago, it is really really (really!) lousy.

I can't remember any modifications I've made on the phone when it started happening. The only thing I had installed was the local carrier fix from Cydia, but I don't think that's got anything to do with it. It is up to date with OS 3.1.2, jailbroken with Blackra1n, and that's pretty much it.

Help, please! :)
Jailbreaking a phone is one of the premier causes of shortened battery life. Since you've jailbroken the phone, you can now run applications in the background -- do you have any of these such applications that could be constantly running, draining battery?

If you perform a "restore" operation on the phone (effectively un-jailbreaking it) and run the phone in a normal state for a few days, do you still experience the same battery drain?
Search Cydia for SwapMode.
This puts your iPhone into 'Gaming-mode' This basically turns off everything that could be possibly draining from the iphones performance.

If you get the problem again, do a full cycle...
What I mean by cycle is, turn everything on, brightness on full and leave the phone listening to a radio station over 3g for example to run the battery completely flat. (you could just use it normally and wait for it to wear) When it's flat, try turning it on again just to make it as flat as you possibly can. If not, plug it in and don't touch it until it's at 100%, You could repeat this twice or maybe three times to get the battery to the best of it's performance.

Apple recommends that you cycle your battery once a month to keep it's battery life high.

Hope this helps,
Hi guys,
Thank you for replying.

I have had it jailbroken practically from day one, never experienced this.
As Eldiablo asked, I remember I have the sbprefs app running (I'm not sure it actively runs in the background, but it stays invisible to you can activate it by sliding your finger over the status bar). I have uninstalled it and recharged the device, let's see how that goes.

I do my best to discharge and recharge once a month like Apple recommends.

I'll test and post results. Thank you very much!
That app you describe sounds like BigBoss' SBsettings!
I am running this on my 3Gs and have run it on a 3G, iPod Touch with no effect to the battery life. If you have SSH enabled, try getting a SBSettings toggle for this in Cydia, As I said, swapmode will disable everything - without uninstalling.

Hi Charlie,
That's right, it's BigBoss SBsettings.

Well too late, I restored my phone. I jailbroke it again with Blackra1n and reinstalled most apps (not many actually). Everything seems to be normal again.

I'll post again if anything happens. In the meantime, thanks again!
I accept with information:Jailbreaking a phone is one of the premier causes of shortened battery life. Since you've jailbroken the phone, you can now run applications in the background.

Yes it can shorten battery life if you are choosing to run applications in the background, the act of jail breaking will not effect your battery life.

Installing and using backgrounder (or similar) may effect your battery.

Loose the stupid plugs for your website.