iPod Changes? Price? Size?

I just got mine :D! And despite the fact that it is only "new" for a few weeks doesn't bother me; It is just so dang cool. Words cannot describe it...

Originally posted by r4bid
on slashdot.org there is a story about new 1.8 inch hard drives up to 80 gigs coming out soon. So the ipod could jump in size once more, but who really needs a 60 gig mp3 player?

:::game show host voice::: Guess what folks, thats not all. It doubles as a firewire hard drive so you can store more then just songs!

Originally posted by r4bid
My point is that you have no need for highly encoded files on the ipod. Are you going to go and spend in excess of 200 dollars to get headphones to hear that high quality sound? I doubt that you or the average consumer really cares enough to go and purchase high quality headphones over the ones that come with the ipod or maybe some slightly upgraded ones. Why would apple increase there cost to produce it when the average consumer will reap no benefits?

I spent $270 on Etymotic ER-4P. So yes, we are out there.
Originally posted by r4bid
on slashdot.org there is a story about new 1.8 inch hard drives up to 80 gigs coming out soon. So the ipod could jump in size once more, but who really needs a 60 gig mp3 player?

Careful with those words. Bill Gates will never live down having said something to the effect of, "No one will ever need more than 640k of RAM." :)
Yes Bill Gates's statement is quite silly when looking back with hindsight but this is actually quite similar to the situation he saw at that time. If the ipod is to remain a mere mp3 player then it is really pointless to increase its capacity any more. If computers remained just calculator machines with little to no graphics or sound then 640k of ram would have been fine for any home user but computers evolved into media hubbs and 640k is no longer even close to what is necessary for the most basic operations.

If apple plans to market the ipod as more of a firewire hd + mp3 player then I can see them expanding its size so users could transmit more but that is not there major selling point right now.

As for people going and spending several hundred dollars ontop of the ipods price to get high quality headphones apple can't possibly make this there main selling point. Yes some people will do it but for apple to increase the price of production significantly just to please 1% of the user population is crazy.

If apple can keep the cost of production the same by changing the appearence or slightly modify the interface or software then that would probably be the wiser move. If you are an average user would you spend 200 dollars and get a 10 gig player of 700 and get an 80 gig player?(prices are just random approximations for future pricing levels)
I see it being much wiser to add color choices or some gaming capabilities and bringing down the prices maybe 5-10% than beefing up the storage. The ipod is already one of the biggest mp3 players, they need to improve it in other ways to increase sales.
Glad to see I'm not the only one that is caught in the "buy now or later" quandry. I have a Best Buy store credit to use and was originally thinking of getting mine on New Years Day (business expense/tax reasons). Looks like I'll hold off even more time now.
Originally posted by r4bid
My point is that you have no need for highly encoded files on the ipod. Are you going to go and spend in excess of 200 dollars to get headphones to hear that high quality sound? I doubt that you or the average consumer really cares enough to go and purchase high quality headphones over the ones that come with the ipod or maybe some slightly upgraded ones. Why would apple increase there cost to produce it when the average consumer will reap no benefits?

Well actually all I have are 50 dollar sony studio headphones that are pretty good quality and its easy to tell the difference in mp3 rates. (eg 128, 192 etc). Maybe its my discerning ear but 128 mp3's annoy me. I can hear the quality.