iPod to CD


geez o pete
A friend of mine is considering buying an iPod, and she is wondering if you can burn a CD directly from the iPod's playlists. She'd like to be able to plug it in to her computer, and burn a CD without having to download the songs to the laptop first.

Does anyone know if this is possible?
She would be getting the Windows version, if it helps...

Well I don't know how the Windows model stores files and protects them from piracy, but the Apple version makes it easy.

[gwailo:/Volumes/ipod/iPod_Control/Music]% l
total 0
drwxrwxrwx  46 gwailo  unknown  1520 Nov 15 14:25 F00
drwxrwxrwx  54 gwailo  unknown  1792 Nov 15 01:55 F01
drwxrwxrwx  47 gwailo  unknown  1554 Nov 15 01:56 F02
drwxrwxrwx  50 gwailo  unknown  1656 Nov 15 01:56 F03
drwxrwxrwx  54 gwailo  unknown  1792 Nov 15 14:25 F04
drwxrwxrwx  38 gwailo  unknown  1248 Nov 15 01:55 F05
drwxrwxrwx  58 gwailo  unknown  1928 Nov 15 02:00 F18
drwxrwxrwx  48 gwailo  unknown  1588 Nov 15 01:55 F19
All those folders contain your MP3 files.

So all you'd have to do is select the files from your iPod, and burn them. How you'd see them in the finder (maybe PathFinder will see them?) without using the terminal to copy them I don't know.

Note: I thought it was handy to make a symlink for my iPod so the real path in my shell looks like this [gwailo:~/ipod/] :)
mm versiontracker.com has some ipod software, go to the osx section and do a search. there are a few things that take the trouble out of what needs to be done for you.