is it possible to password protect folders?


Exactly what the subject says, is it possible to password protect a folder?? or even a individual file without using shareware. I need this because I have few confidential documents that must be kept extra safe.

If theres another way to protect a file i.e. encrypting, please tell

The Disk Copy idea is probably the best one. It's even recommended by Apple:

There are some command line tools like crypt or gpg for encrypting data, but the Disk Copy idea will likely be the easiest on you.

I know nothing about the Disk Copy encryption scheme, called AES-128, so I cannot say whether it is very good or not, but it will at least keep out the casual prying eyes. Dunno about the NSA though. =)

Mac OSX is a flavor of unix and security is built right into the filesystem...

If you want to grant access to a file only to yourself the set the permissions like so...

Open a terminal window...

type either...

chmod 700 /path/to/folder ---- for directories
chmod 600 /path/to/file --- for non program files
chmod 700 /path/to/program --- for executable programs

this will make it so only your username has access to this file or folder and thus requiring no password at all. Any other user on your machine will not be able to copy it, open it, change it or even execute it(if its a program).

If the command line interface scares you, I am pretty sure you can set the permissions for a folder or file with the get info feature of OSX.

UNIX is very powerful, and this permissions feature is one of the reasons for it. Keep in mind however, that if someone reboots the computer into OS9, the permissions go out the window as OS9 doesn't support file permissions the way that UNIX does. Bottom Line, drop OS9...its unsecure.
That is the beauty of a Unix derived system... permissions.
Although you do run into a seperate problem if you do things this way. You'll have to grant people user names and keep your computer loged out (or locked by screensaver) when you're away from your desk. That kinda defeats the purpose of auto-login if you use it, which I don't, but that is an issue for some people.
For a self-proclaimed "mediocre" security freeware app, check out LameSecure. It won't keep out someone with real hacking skills, but it will keep your pr0n collection hidden from your SO.
AES-128 will keep out all but the military grade hackers, so an encrypted disk image is a pretty good solution.

The good thing about permissions is that you can make them do whatever you want. For instance:

chmod 000 secretfolder

will lock your folder so even you can't read it. To unlock it, you'd need to enter:

sudo chmod 700 secretfolder

You'll need to put in your password, and then its unlocked, but only to your username.
As soon as I saw this thread again I had thought about making a folder owned by root so no one, including you could read it... I guess you guys beat me to it.

The use of shell scripts would make this process so much easier too. You would not have to worry about security because to unlock the folder using sudo you will still need the root password.

I'm now off to do this myself actualy! :D