Is there any way to get Outlook Express Windows email into OS X


Video Gamer/Collector
My friend would like to keep all his email from his Windows XP PC in Outlook Express so he would like to get it from OE on Windows to on his iMac. Is there ANY WAY to do this?

The hard way is through the Eudora middleman (import OE mail to Eudora, batch rename Eudora .mbx files to .mbox, import into Mail).
But the OE mail is on the Windows PC. I don't know a thing about where Windows stores the stupid Mail files. And he doesn't have Eudora.

There MUST be another way. Or is it just freaking Microsoft Proprietary file formats?

He can't sell the Dell if he can't get his mail from it onto his iMac and he really doesn't want to forward 2000+ emails to himself.
On the PC, just run a find for *.dbx files (Outlook Express mail database files). It's not difficult to locate them or move them over.

Eudora is a free download away.
Netscape Mail would also do the trick, if you prefer that option.
I will suggest this. Eudora DOES work with OS X, right? That's what he uses and is afraid of 9. ;) So it'd need to work on X.