Just installed an NVidia driver that has seemingly screwed up my computer.


So I was trying to find a fix for an issue I was having. I wanted to play games like diablo 2, starcraft, and fallout on my mac and some of you guys probably know that the newer Mac OS's no longer supports "PowerPC" files. So I went searching and found a file that would supposedly fix this called NVIDIADrivers256ColorsFix3.0.dmg.
I went ahead and downloaded it, installed it, and restarted my computer. I should mention that before I installed it, it told me it had to replace some files. I'll post below. So after restarting my computer, most things seem fine except for the internet. Specifically youtube and safari. Where my video should be on youtube is replaced by a solid black box. This goes for every other video I've tried as well. Safari runs extremely laggy and I'm unable to do just about everything in it. I should also mention that all this happened about 10 minutes ago so I haven't made too big of list of things that have been affected. Also, my computer seems to be using a good bit of juice because its extremely loud and that usually isn't the case when all I have open is one browser window.

So , can anybody help me? Am I going to have to re-install everything? Is this a virus?

Thanks (also the message is below)

This Patch backs up your current NVIDIA drivers and replaces them with ones from the "Leopard Graphics Update 1.0" from http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/leopardgraphicsupdate10.html but without the other extensions or OpenGL changes. This is effectively a reversion to 10.5.2 drivers and nothing more.

This should allow you to run 256 color applications again. Keep in mind that your drivers will probably be replaced on the next driver or OS update.

The following files will be replaced:

You downloaded a "fix" that likely won't help you with games.... It's purpose was to revert a 10.5 system to a slightly older version of 10.5 video drivers - specifically for OS X 10.5.2. That's highly unlikely to help you, and will probably mess your system up if you are running a newer version of OS X, or even a newer version of 10.5
It's only real help was with apps that needed support for 256 colors.
And, the fix that you found is only for Macs that have Nvidia video. Some have ATI video, which is not affected in the same way.

The "fix" appears to have an uninstaller - so I think that you could simply run that fix a second time, the _uninstaller_ will run, allowing you to "gracefully" return to your original drivers.

Please let us know which Mac you have, and also (more important), which version of OS X you are running...
There might be other, better fixes than messing around with the drivers.
If you're running an Intel mac a video driver isn't going to let you run PPC apps anyway. Video drivers have nothing to do with why you cant run PPC stuff. Apple dropped support for PPC code with Leopard.
... Apple dropped support for PPC code with Leopard.

That's inaccurate.
Apple did not remove PPC code support until Lion.
Apple DID remove support in Leopard for MacOS apps , which can be referred to as Classic apps, because support for the Classic Environment was removed. The Classic environment never ran on Intel Macs. It's one of the reasons that the installation of 10.4 (Tiger) was different on Intel, compared to PPC Macs.
However, universal PPC apps continued to work just fine in Leopard.
And, you can still run universal PPC apps in Snow Leopard, when the Rosetta support is installed. It's optional in a reinstall of Snow Leopard, or will install when you attempt to run a PPC app.