Liteswitch X and Jaguar


LiteSwitch X appears to not work with Jaguar. this is a bummer because I LOVE that app. (where you can switch apps by holding down apple +tab) This is one cool thing that Microsoft has put into Windows and Apple doesn't have.

any ideas?
uhh why does it seem that I'm the only one whom it has always worked for as long as I can remember in X. Still does in 10.1.5. Word is Jaguar "fixed" it but I don't think it ever broke...
go to and download the newest version.

It works in 10.2 now... kind of.

I like the hot trigger keys to be the apple+tab. that is the default dock switcher in 10.2. Liteswitch doesn't override it. if you choose any other hot trigger key combo, it does work though.

any tips in switching off the default dock switching keyboard shortcut and allowing Liteswitch to do it's bad ass thang?
same here! I don't want option-tab, I want Command-Tab!

but this is good for now :)

on a somewhat related note: anyone know how to keep f14 and f15 from triggering the display brightness?
I'm not familiar with Liteswitch (whew! forgot the name, and this reply page doesn't show the thread title /anywhere/ I can find, but somebody luckily mentioned the name in their post!), as I've used ProgramSwitcher (in 9), now Keyboard Maestro (in X).

There are obviously some LiteSwitch fans here--can you compare it to Keyboard Maestro for me? Thanks.