Mail - Problem with Certs


Hi@all, i am new here an hopefully somoene is able to help me.

I have following Problem with Apple Mail:

I did a Upgrade from Mac OS X 10.4 to 10.5.
After that, i can't sign and encrypt my Mails with Apple Mail.
The Certs are installed and trusted in keychain. But Mail doesn't show me anymore the Functions at creating a new mail to encrypt or sign the content.

Has anyone an idea?
make a backup of your mail
~/Library/Mail move this folder to the desktop

then try doing an archive and install instead of upgrade. Upgrade will cause you more problems not just mail. You don't want to get to that point. Trust me.

Once you've done an archive and install. Update your 10.5 to 10.5.7 via the combo update

the best option is to do erase and install - that is if you have time