Major Installer Problem....Please Help!


Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum, and new to Macs. Anyway, I have a new Imac and have been enjoying it for several months now.

I bought a Samsung ML-1210 Laserjet printer a few months ago as well. When i first got the printer, I successfully went out to their website and downloaded the OS X driver, installed it, and I had been printing fine until yesterday.

Yesterday, I started getting the error that the printer queue had stopped. I would restart the queue over and over again, but nothing would ever print. I decided that maybe I needed to update my driver from Samsung. I deleted the old driver from my system first and the preceeded to re-download my printer driver. It turns out, they had not updated it.

So now, I have the Zipped Driver File on my desktop. I unzipped the file which then leaves me with a package. I double click on the package which causes the Installer to begin working. However, here is where I get problems. The Installer starts for like .5 seconds and then just quits. The window flashes up, you can barely read anything, and then the window closes and the installer quits. I literally can not get the driver back on my machine. I can't run the installer. It just starts and quits in less than a second every time. I'm running OS X 10.2 Jaguar (and loving it). Can anyone please help me with this. I really need to get my printer working soon! Thanks in advance.