Markdown as a System Service!

mr. k

As much fun as it is to write html, it can be a big pain sometimes. But then I would much rather write any html I have to write by hand then let dreamweaver do it for me. But when John Gruber released his Markdown text filter the other day I got interested and installed it on my local MT 'weblog.'
It's really a cool system with a simple syntax. And as I just saw, someone figured out how to use as an OS X SystemService!
Just follow the instructions on the above linked page, and in your [application] -> Services menu you get a "Convert to humane text" option. Here are the results, written in a standard safari dialog box and then converted to html with the filter:

an unordered list
* 1
* 2
    * 2.1
    * 2.2
* 3

now just an ordered list:
1. apple
2. bananna
3. cadeau
4. des cadeaux
5. en ligne
6. flog
    1. log
    2. bog
    3. dog  
* * *
<h1>an unordered list</h1>


<h2>now just an ordered list:</h2>

<li>des cadeaux</li>
<li>en ligne</li>
<li>dog  </li>
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