Monitor Glitch at Startup - HELP!!!


Sometimes when I turn on the computer, the monitor comes on then starts turning on and off repeatedly, as if it's getting a bad signal or no signal. I thought it was the video card so I put a second one in, but the problem continues. I've tried hooking up a different monitor, but get the same problem. Any ideas anyone?

G4, OS X 10.2.6, NEC FP912SB monitor.
The same problem with a different monitor means a) the video card is not sitting properly b) bad video cable and/or adaptor c) software (OS) problem.

Use the hardware test CD (if you got one) or try booting with Drive 10 or OS CD.
If your computer is capable, boot into OS 9 to see if the problem recurs. If it does, then it's not your OS's at fault, but faulty hardware. If OS 9 does not encounter the problem, you've got a problem with 10.2.6.