More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

contoursvt said:
No offence taken. I have a mac at home too. Its old. A G3 with 384mb ram running 10.2. The thing with buying a mac is that its a lot easier getting a decent computer.. I can agree with that. Buying a PC is a lot bigger gamble because if you're not someone who builds a computer, its hard to tell how good it will end up being (components..etc.).

As a PC guy who builds my own, the only PC brand I'd get thats pre-built would be DELL and even then, I'd have to get their higher end items. When friends ask what they should buy (PC wise) I just tell them to get a Dell and to avoid Celerons and fork over the extra for a P4.

I think the best PC you'll ever end up with is one built by a PC geek friend or a mom and pop shop that really knows what they are doing - 2nd choice would be to get a top of the line dell but it will be far more expensive.

The one thing I dont like about macs (towers) is that you're limited to one source for repairs and replacement parts - major components like power supply, mainboard, processors..etc. Replacement parts can be really expensive.

I think you are wrong in this to an extent.
Very few people build their own machine. I have in the past, but for PCs I now use Boxx. I can't take the risk of having downtime and they offer one day turnaround for complete system replacement.
The majority of pc users are far better suited to getting a commodity system from Dell or god forbid, Gateway.

As far as Apple being a one-shot source of replacement parts, this is only true of parts like the motherboard which in all honesty rarely have issues.
My Apple G4 Cube motherboard has died on me 4 times, before I finally got frustrated with Apple's lack of support, and bought one off of ebay for parts, basically modded the hell out of it, upgraded the G4 CPU, RAM, HD, DVD-ROM, video card, and even case... before that, I had an Apple IIGS that basically made me swear off Apple's due to it being so problematic.

What you experience is what you experience. There's no "wrong" or "right" to it. It just is something you experience.

And for the record, I build 100% of my PC's, and my last two have been around for some serious work and hours. About as much as my coveted Cube, in fact.

Still as far as PC vs. Mac ammo goes... who cares. Use what you can use/afford/like.