More ram for a black macbook...



I am buying a black 2ghz macbook in the next week or so. I have got a good deal from PC world (my dad works for them so I get a 10percent discount) of 900 quid for the 512mb one. Obviously I want to upgrade it to 1gb of ram.

I had a look on the crucial memory finder and it gave me this:

CT541626 - the bottom one.

Is this the right ram and the right quantity? Can i just put this in the machine or do i need to use one that is identicle to the one thats in there?

basicaly, is that the right one?

Thanks for any advice.
That is the correct memory for the Macbook. However, there are two things you need to be aware off.

1) Unless you got a really really special deal on your Macbook, your 512 MB of RAM is going to be made up of 2x256MB pieces. Getting an additional 512 MB will take you to 768 MB, and not 1GB.

2) Matching pairs of memory does provide a small performance improvement, along the lines of 2 - 3%. See, specifically the Analysis and Insights section at the bottom. The question is whether or not that 2 - 3% is worth it for you.
Im getting the mac from PC world with my dads discount. Its a standard black macbook. Will this have the 2 256sticks?

Why does adding 2x256+512 not add up to 1gb?

Can i put another two 256 sticks in ?

Im getting the mac from PC world with my dads discount. Its a standard black macbook. Will this have the 2 256sticks?

Why does adding 2x256+512 not add up to 1gb?

Can i put another two 256 sticks in ?


There are only two memory slots on the Macbook.
Hi, I have decided to scrap the two 256 sticks and put two 1g sticks in.

Thanks for your help.

PS, did this forum go all green for afew minuets a while ago?