Mouse suddenly extremely slow + unable to kill some apps


The following happened to me four or five times now. I use 10.1.1 on my iBook with 256 RAM, much to my satisfaction :), but sometimes the mouse pointer all of a sudden gets very, ve-ery slo-o-ow, a lot slower than the slowest setting in the System Preferences: I move my finger over the pad perhaps ten times to get it from one side of the screen to the other. :( Changing anything in the SystPrefs or logging out and in again doesn't seem to help at all, only a restart will cure the poor thing.
Anybody any idea what's happening? What should I do to prevent this, or cure it without restarting? Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Oh, by the way, there's another thing. Sometimes a programme "hangs", and I try to kill it using "Force Quit..." in the apple-menu. Doesn't work. Then I open the Terminal and say "kill -KILL" followed by the PID. Doesn't work. I even tried "sudo kill -KILL PID". Nothing. It just stays there in the ps -axu and in the dock. What's happening? Shouldn't I be able to kill anything with "kill -KILL"? Of course, restart won't work either, only a reset works. But that's not what I want, of course. Anybody?

Not much help, but I just wanted to confirm that I've seen your second problem also.
As for the first: Do you think it's possible sth. locks up your computer. Does it happen when working with a specific app ?
Hm, I don't think there's a specific app involved, but I haven't checked whether something was using a lot of cpu at that time. I will if it happens again. It always comes very suddenly, it doesn't slow down gradually.
Thanks for the tip!
More ideas very welcome though.