need howto ftp server in os x server


ok, it should be plenty easy, i turn on server admin, i create new user in finder called guest /guest, i turn on web something in server admin, i turn on ftp access, i even allow anonymous users, i try using an ftp program i can login, see, but can't upload in user/guest/public/drop box... now, that's f***ed up!
my curent ip is - please try and tell me if it works... or if you know how to get this going in os x server. i'm not afraid of the comand line, but i hope it wont take long, i need this soon. thanks
ok, problem solved. it is actually as easy as i first described, but the guest user that i created had issues... i erased this guest user and created a new user called jow ith a longer pass and combo f number and letter as pass, this time it worked.
...the FTP server in OS X is preprogrammed to deny FTP acces as user root for obvious security reasons. You REALLY wouldn't want to do this under normal circumstances, but be forewarned anyway. All other users work fine, including admins with their associated system privelages. It is possible (I believe) to open remote services (FTP, telnet, ssh, etc...) to the root user, but I don't know how. Share and enjoy!