not again...


Recycle Me!
Ok i don't know what's going on... I was sitting here in my dorm room, innocently browsing press3 forums, chatting on adium... I got kicked offline, which isn't a surprise here, but now apparently I can't get back with adium. I can't get online using AIM, but please, i feel like i've gone 40 years backwards going back to this program. I don't know if the problem's on my end (i prebound right before i noticed this) or if it's just AOL being evil and not letting on any on AIM software. I've deleted adium and all it's prefs, reinstalled, changed the port, what have you, and nothing works... any suggestions?
no, AOHell wouldn't do that. after all they support standards and open source browsers;)

(loud alarm suddenly goes off - "SECURITY BREACH, SECURITY BREACH....monopolistic practices have been compromised...SECURITY BREACH, SECURITY BREACH":eek: )
i knew it! those AOHell BASTARDS! I don't get it... it's a FREE service..... damn them...... damn them to hell! Now i have to deal with AIM slowing the crap out of my system and just sucking overall......
As far as I understand it AOL is being really sneaky with these "IM War" tactics. They *say* they're ok with 3rd party clients, but somehow manage to continually update their code to find new buffer overflow vulnerabilities in the clients which will render them useless. The client developers then realize where they are vulnerable, fix it, and their client works until the next hole is exploited.

I just think its all very interesting from a programmer's standpoint. The only issue i have with ANY of this is that the carbonized AOL IM client is atrocious, and deserves nothing but swift death or swifter updating.

seriously..... you'd think aol would be embarassed by the fact that they're still feeding us a half-assed beta, and yet random developers working out of their houses have given us far superior products.... oh well...