OS X logs out when i don't want to! :mad:


It began yesterday, that my finder suddenly logs out when i don't want to. First time it happened i was "working" with MSN Messenger and Navigator (Chimera 0.4), plop! There it was, the login-screen. I tried apple+alt+esc, and the Force Quit-window appeared, i tried to Relaunch the Finder, but everytime i relaunch it a new finder came but the old one stayed... So when you relaunched the finder 5 times, you have 6 finders..... Weird.

Has anybody had this ? What do I have to do now?? Help appreciated!

i'm not sure if this has anythin to do with your problem, but a better way of 'relaunching' is to quit the finder.

use process viewer and double click on finder. then click quit. it will automatically relaunch itself and you only have one still.

(probably a geekier unix way, but that method works for me ); )
Can i get that "Process Viewer" activated when the log in screen is open? Because that's my problem, the login screen always pops up and I think (think!) that the finder is behind the loginscreen, somehow hidden.

have you added any new RAM lately? many proplems related to unexpected log-outs stem from bad RAM. Search for "unexpected log-outs" on the forums here.... simliar things happened to me, I removed a suspect DIMM and eveything is fine now.
Originally posted by rinse
have you added any new RAM lately? many proplems related to unexpected log-outs stem from bad RAM. Search for "unexpected log-outs" on the forums here.... simliar things happened to me, I removed a suspect DIMM and eveything is fine now.

Nope, but i think it has sometime to do with 3th Party Apps, I THINk. Cause he always logs out when i launch Freaky Tuner, Navigator, Adium, Fire, .. ( i don't know if they are all 3th party apps)

s en n e.
do you have crash loggin enabled in your console.app? if not, turn it on and examine the logs to see what messages are being logged... could prove useful.
Mnah..... OS X totally crashed. When i startup, the computer says: Panic, we're hanging here! (kinda funny)

I'm waiting for 10.2. Living on OS 9 for the rest of the 8+ days. I think i can handle it.... :p
