Panther Crashes


At least once a week my G4 PowerMac running 10.3.3 crashes. Attached is a Photo I took of the Screen's display of the Crash. I guess this is called a Kernel Panic. I always apply the updates that come up on Software Update.

I often do the repair permissions routine and have Cronix do the routine maintenance as Apple recommends.

There is no pattern to the crash. I use Netscape for my browser and have it and excel open at start up. I harldy ever use Classic apps and when I do there is no correlation to the crashes.

I have plenty of memory, one Gig. I never turn off the machine except when it crashes. I have it set to go to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity and we hardly ever have any power outages.

Any ideas? The machine is new as of Oct, when I got it I upgraded from Jag to Panther. The only thing that I added was the X sounds app, but I never registered it so it has expired. Everthing else is Stock Panther.

I have been a Mac user since the beginning and I know there must be something to help stabalize my system. Thanks in advance for any advice.


  • Crash.jpg
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I suppose you repaired permissions as many times, as no error was reported, right? If so, there is just one part of your post that makes me believe to be the source of all:
update jaguar to panther. This is a step many ppl will dissuade. However, how possible is it for you to make a fresh panter install? Seems like there is not much you installed and adjusted on your current system.
But before you consider this, do a hardware test, repair permissions few times and try to setup another user account to see, if the problem still shows up.
Did you recently add memory?
It looks like you're browsing a network share, am I correct?

I've always had some difficulty with stability when browsing a share from a PC using SMB. Does the crash happen when you're not browsing a share?
My G4 is on my home network behind a linksys router and from time to time my wiife, daughter and I share files, but very infrequently. I have permission to share their files, but they don't share mine. I set it up that way for a safety reason. Have never used SMB or a PC on my home network only MACs.

I am getting up my nerve to reinstall panther. Lots of backups to do and cleanups and stuff. Have not made up my mind when to do it, but it will be later this weekend. Details on 11:00 PM news. Thanks to all for the ideas and suggestions.
This isn't a kernel panic, although it looks similar to earlier Mac OS X version's kernel panics. The message says something about memory. I'd test the memory bricks.

I'd also maybe switch from Netscape to a modern browser and try to avoid SMB sharing for a week to see if it's the culprit.
fryke said:
This isn't a kernel panic, although it looks similar to earlier Mac OS X version's kernel panics. The message says something about memory. I'd test the memory bricks.

I'd also maybe switch from Netscape to a modern browser and try to avoid SMB sharing for a week to see if it's the culprit.

It turned out to be a faulty memory stick from Club Mac. Kingston is the maker. I hope they have a one year warranty. Got it back last Oct 23. Probably bad out of the box. It was in the third slot for a total of 1.25 Gig of Mem. 256+512+512.

Fryke, Thanks for your imput. but I really like Netscape. Mail client and Browser in one swvelt package. Used it for years, but not always upgrading to the most recent version til last Oct.

Thanks to all for the suggestions and as always I am Gigamux.
Glad I could be of help. I understand that people like Netscape when they're used to it. But I personally think it's too much bulk for the action. (I also like my mail separated from my browser...)

About that RAM: It might just as well be 'good' RAM but not the right kind for your Mac. Mac OS X is a little picky here... Let's hope you get it replaced for free...