Please Read: Queries regarding your TiBook Latch Mechanism


Gentle readers,

I have two questions I want to ask, and I am hoping that anyone who reads this, that has a TiBook, will take the time to briefly answer.

1. How easily does your TiBook pop open?
I mean, does it pop open with almost no provocation? Does it generally pop open if it's closed and you lift it from the side? Does it pop open in your carrying case if that case gets jostled? Does it open if a big truck goes by? What does it take to pop open your TiBook? Would you characterize it as 'opens annoyingly easily,' 'opens about as I would expect,' 'is very solid, and only opens when I want it to'?

2. How does the base side of your latch mechanism look?
Here is a sketch of what the base part of the latch looks like, looking down at it from above:

(argh, can't format this well, go here

for a diagram)

That's not the greatest picture, but if I explain it it will make sense. The latch on the base of the TiBook unit is connected to the pushbutton that frees the laptop to open. On my unit, the little metal plate that is on the right side of the little opening that the hook swings down into, the metal plate that retracts when you push the button, looks like it is chipped off; that is, like the inside corner, from the top middle to the bottom right, has been broken off (that is, like the bottom left corner of the rectangle is missing). I would have thought that the line sloping diagonally down to the right should just be straight like this: | and that that metal piece in there is a full rectangle, and not a trapeziod or a triangle.

So my question: what does *YOUR* TiBook base latch assembly look like! Does it look solid and rectangular, or are all TiBook base latch assemblies sloped like this?

Thank you so much for your time to read and respond (I'm trying to evaluate whether to send my TiBook BACK to Apple Care, to *really* replace the latch, if indeed the latch they sent was also defective -- But I don't want to be without my beloved TiBook for one day more than I have to be! waaah!)

mine looks more straight aswell,
I carry it around in my bag in sleep mode all the time,
never had any problems.