pointer rollover not working

Not sure what your experiencing... If you mean the rollovers on the left-hand links, they seem to work for me (in Safari). When you move the pointer over the link title, an Ohm(?) logo appears to the left. Is this correct?
all the om symbols appear but I'm not able to click down in order (hand does not appear, I have to click on boutique before inspiration...)
Still unsure to what you mean... seams fine for me. Which browser are you viewing in? Would posting a screen shot of what's happening help us?
I'm viewing in explorer. Well that's good to know that it works with Safari, I'll check other computers. I looked at the code, everything seems fine, maybe it's just a browser problem.
Just checked in Explorer... I see your problem now... will look at the code later when I have more time.
Hi bella

It's quite simple really. The rollovers that don't work are because they do not have a link (a <a href="blah.htm">).

If you look at your code, you'll notice that the links with the <a href...> attached to them are the ones that show the hand, the ones that don't... show nothing.

If you are not going to add a link to them but still want them to show a hand rollover, you can associate a CSS rule to those link/images that need it.

For example, add this CSS code:
	cursor: pointer;
then add an ID CSS attribute to the image in question, such as:
<div align="left"><img src="images/menuworkshops.jpg" name="work" width="106" height="32" id="work" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('blank3','','images/omnew.jpg',1)" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" /></div>