Problem running older software


I'm trying to help someone who has an older iMAC G3. They have some inventory software which they really like and would like to install on a newer iMAC. Problem is they don't have the original disks. All they have is a cdrom with a single 3MB file, called "uPOS 1.03bh.comp".

I'm trying to figure out how to install and or run this program and having no luck at all. Finder thinks it is a document. GetInfo shows it as a Unix Executable. "file" in a Terminal window says it is data. If I try to run it from the terminal, it says "cannot execute binary file".

I've run "strings" and I see various application labels, so I don't think this is a compressed file. I've looked at the binary data and don't see any type of human readable file header.

I'm at a loss on how to proceed. I've seen some references that a .comp extension is from CodeWarrior, but I couldn't find any more details.

Any thoughts or suggestions? FYI, I'm testing this on an Intel dual core macbook running 10.4.11.

I wonder if that CD is just a backup file for the software. You may require the original disks to even use the CD that you have.