Problem with page anchors...I think?

Hello Ashley. Great site btw.

I used Safari version 2.0.3 to test. Firefox worked fine. as you said - seems to be only apple's browser.

The problem seems to be that every time a state is clicked, the target is appended to the end of the URL, keeping the previous target there.

For example, you click on Montana, the URL changes to:

And this works fine (notice the #MT at the end of the URL). From that page, you then click on, say, Nevada. The URL changes to:

Notice the #NV at the end, but also notice that the #MT from the first click is still there. That is what is causing the problem. I'm not sure how your scripts are set up, but I guess that's where to start looking :)

Hope that helps yaz :D
No its not the anchors its something to do the .ASP file it misconfiged some how. When you click on the map on one state it will go there but the ASP in not reloading it self. I tryed it on a Windows XP VPC and did there to. So it not just the mac.