Rant about ranting


keeper of the cheese
Warning: This is a rant. If I offend you, tough.

Ok, now that my nice disclaimer is done... :)

After reading all the whining and complaining on this board, and every other mac board on the face of this planet I have one thing to say:
Apple is in business to make money.

Ok, I really have more then one thing to say. First we'll start off with the .Mac stuff. All the free service providers are having major issues, the ones that are still around are offering either pay services, or tossing more and more banner (and even worse moving java crap) ads so that they can stay in business. So, Apple came to realise, they are losing money by giving the iTools stuff away for free. They had a choice, cover every free inch of space with an ad, charge users, or shut it down. Personally I like their decision. If I want free email with ads, I'll go to yahoo or hotmail. As to the price, it's not that expensive. If you pay the full price it's $8/month. Hell, a pack of smokes in NYC costs $8 now. For the first year, it's $4/month, thats an extra value meal at McD's. 15M of email, 100M of disk space, thats not that bad a deal. Toss in ad free webhosting, it's better. Toss in $50 virus software ontop of it, sounds like a bargain to me. Add in the backup software, it's downright cheap, all for skipping a supersized extra value meal once a month. If you still think it should be free, great, why don't you go register a domain, set up a server on line, put in a ton of disk, and start giving out free email addresses to anyone who wants one, oh, and give them web pages, and storage they can access from their desktop anywhere. Oh, let me know where I can sign up for this great service you're going to give us all for free with no ads, until then, I'll happily pay my money to Apple.

Next, the $129 price for 10.2. Yeah, I would have loved to spend $20 for it, but alas, no such luck. Is the software worth $129? Yup. I bought 10.1 2 months ago for $100 and change, combined I'll end up spending $230 or so this year on 10.x, and is it worth it? Yup. $200 is the price you pay for windows, and windows doesn't touch the software that comes with OS X. You want to play DVD's on your $200 windows software, guess what, you have to go pay someone else $30-40 for software to do it. Every version of mac's DVD player that ships they have to pay a royalty on. Oh yeah, 10.x ships with a beautiful development kit. I won't even get into what you pay MS for Visual Studio so you have an IDE and compile to write your own software. People will ofcourse say "Apple isn't Microsoft, Microsoft is evil" but you know what, Microsoft makes money. They are in business, they keep making money. If in 5 years you still want to be using a Mac and have an alternative to MS, you better hope Apple is still making money. By giving away major OS upgrades for next to nothing and free net services, they won't be around in 5 years, and you'll be stuck with Microsoft.

For all those "I'm a poor college student"'s out there, they have .edu discounts, $69 for 10.2. For those of you with jobs who complain at it being $129, when are you going to start giving stuff away for next to nothing at your work, and if you do, how much longer will you be getting a paycheck.

And last but not least, for those people who continue to complain about the software, and hardware, saying "I can buy a PC thats faster for $500" Fine, go buy one. Waste time trying to get the crap to work. Hope that your hardware doesn't blow up. Ofcourse, most of you who do that end up using a copied version of windows anyways because you refuse to pay microsoft because they are an evil company who wants to make money. So, ofcourse, you get no support, and you'll still bitch about things not working right. After awhile you'll complain even more about Windows then you did about the Mac. Someday, you'll probably switch back wishing you had never left in the first place. And as to PC's being cheaper, they really aren't. A nice business class PC is the same cost as a mac. Mac's are built as business class machines, the $500 HP you get at Best Buy isn't. For a good dual proc workstation from compaq, you'll be paying around $5k. Gee, that dual 1G box doesn't sound that expensive now does it. But ofcourse, most everyone who is complaining has never really delt with buying hardware somewhere other then Best Buy and CompUSA or some 2 bit online PC store.

So, give Apple a break, let the company try to make a profit so that you can keep using the software and hardware that you love. Otherwise, shut up or go complain to your cat, it will care about as much as I do.

And, you can feel free to flame away, but this will be my only post on this thread, a flame war is not on my agenda this week. But, ofcourse feel free to tell me I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread and I should win the nobel peace price ;)

Took the words right out of my mouth... :)

I got to watch a little of the keynote this morning when Steve was talking about .mac, and I was absolutely thrilled that they were daring to take on the giant with some real innovation in web services. I read the specs and details on Jaguar and was amazed and very pleased that the platform is maturing so quickly. And, the new iPods/iTunes3... yum!

And then I turn up here to share in the joy, and there's so much whinging about, of all things, price. Now, I'll be the first to admit, Macs are generally a bit above average in price (although not that bad). I'm a little saddened by the lack of enthusiasm about what's coming out of Cupertino these days. It's like Steve got up and said "hey, we've got all this cool stuff going on", but got booed off the stage by a bunch of cheapskates... :(

I'll note for the record:

1. I'm upgrading my iTools to a .mac account.
2. I'm buying (multiple) copies of Jaguar
3. I'm very tempted by a 20G iPod
4. I still miss the Newton. ;)

I guess the only word of advice that I could offer those who think that we're being asked to pay to much would sort of echo Brian's - do the math on some truely comparative packages and look at what you have to spend in the Windows world to get the same levels of functionality and quality. It's not that much different...
I completely see where both of you are coming from, and on many levels I'm in total agreement with you.

I think the big beef here is that these services were promised free and given for free. Now it feels for many that the rug has been pulled from under us and now we are being hoodwinked. Once we've gotten used to using iTools it's sprung on us that now it will be a charged service.

Sure, $8/month sounds great when you say it like that, but the fact is that you don't pay in monthly installments...you pay $100 up front. (eg. If my ISP charged me $250 up front, I wouldn't have internet access) I don't have $50, let alone $100 sitting in my bank account right now that I could justify spending for a mac.com email address (which is all I use iTools for right now really).

As a higher ed student I will be upgrading to Jaguar for a discount price, but for those who bought OSX only 2 or so months ago and are not in school, $129 is hard to swallow.

Again, I see where you guys are coming from, and if I had the cash on hand I would probably be in your camp...but I also stand by those who are upset over today's developments.
"You're the greatest thing since sliced bread and you should win the nobel peace price."

But seriously, folks, you can see why people would get mad about their email addresses, eh? For most people, this is probably the ONLY .Mac service they rely on. Most people will complain, and end up moving email addresses anyway. A few will give in and buy .Mac service.

As I recall, Apple saw a decrease in profits this quarter. Now, if you were Steve Jobs, and you saw a large decrease in profits, what would you do? You'd probably go around from department to department and figure out what the heck you were wasing so much money on. Free iTools service? Bingo. Thusly, free iTools has been "Steved." And to be perfectly honest, although this makes me a little miffed, I really can't blame Apple for making this decision.
I am also getting .mac and Jaguar. :)

My view on the .mac topic: If Apple had said the price for .mac per month, then people wouldn't freak out as much. :)
I bet if they did monthly or annual payments, people wouldn't be as freaked out...

and btoneill, excellent... EXCELLENT post you made there... i've been trying to get people to understand that ever since it was announced!
Originally posted by btoneill
Ofcourse, most of you who do that end up using a copied version of windows anyways because you refuse to pay microsoft because they are an evil company who wants to make money. So, ofcourse, you get no support, and you'll still bitch about things not working right.
heh... i got a copied version of XP... i refuse to pay Microsoft $300 for OS software that's not even that much better but includes a different GUI and slicker looking icons...

i still get support from microsoft anyways! :)


but when they release SP1, my version will be blocked from using Microsoft's Windows Update feature and I will only have 30 days to buy a legal copy...

but by then, I will have already switched BACK to Windows 2000 because it's almost exactly the same but without that damn luna gui...

and no, i don't have a mac, although i am working on it :D :cool:
btoneill, you have said so elegantly what I was trying to say in the Mac News & Rumors Discussion. People must understand that Apple needs to make money, and all this web hosting and e-mail is not free.

Again, thank you for just coming out and saying it like it is.

(One thing I would like to add, though, is that Apple STILL should allow free mac.com e-mail accounts. I think if Apple did this, they would quell most of the uproar about this, and I think it would be good for Apple's business, too. Remember how they did the mac.com e-mail address ad? You won't want to be leaving those people in the dark, do you Apple?)