RANT: Apple Support Deadheads

You dixonbm, and people like you, are the reason for my high blood pressure. I have worked in the call center business for almost 5 years now and I speak to people of your ilk on a daily basis. Before I begin the rest of my rant I should say that I enjoy my job and do speak to a lot of decent human beings so if you say "Why don't you find a better job..." then I would advise you to STFU.

Anyway, you are part of a small group of people (whose nickname I can not mention due to its profuse profanity) who call into support and believe they immediately know more than the rep they are speaking to. Granted with the rise of overseas outsourcing this isn't to far off a lot of the time but what gives you the right to question someone's knowledge about their job? Do you like it when your boss comes to your desk and tells you you're doing your job wrong? How about a complete stranger off the street who thinks he know's how your job is worked because he read some books?

Which brings me to another point. You mentioned that you fixed your problem on your own. Congradulations! You just wasted a chunk of your day grandstading to someone who more than likely will forget you called 5 minutes after you hang up.

I hate analogies but fixing a computer is a lot like fixing your car. If you know something about your car you can fix it yourself or take it to someone to be fixed. If you pick the latter option I doubt you would stand in the shop telling the mechanic how to do his job.

This is not an attack (so don't take it as such) but a rebuttle from a tech who is sick and tired of hearing the same thing over and over and over and over again. Basically you have two options. Call and work with the rep you speak with (here's a hint: when your nice we like helping you) or don't call at all.




All the people who suggested to tell tier 1 reps "you have a ticket" so you can get transferred to the next level please, for the love of all that is good and holy, stop. As a tier 3 rep an extra dent is added to my cube drawer everytime this happens. Higher tier techs do not exist for your ease but to fix harder problems. You just make our jobs harder.

Hear hear!

I have worked tech support in a couple of companies. The honestly incompetent, I have nearly infinite patience with, because it's my job to help them, and it's not their job to be computer experts.

The people who try to pull all kinds of nonsense to get a tier 2 tech to help them with stuff I could help them with perfectly easily - those people I love to torment, because they're always grumpy to begin with, so it's so easy to yank their chains, just by being very very polite indeed, and doing exactly what you're supposed to...
nunyabizness, it's good to hear your point of view (in addition to scruffy's). Don't know what else to say except that I prefer finding my tech support on the internet (PC stuff at sysopt.com and Mac stuff here). :)
nunyabizness said:
I hate analogies but fixing a computer is a lot like fixing your car. If you know something about your car you can fix it yourself or take it to someone to be fixed. If you pick the latter option I doubt you would stand in the shop telling the mechanic how to do his job.
Well you mention this, so here I go. YES I will step in and let a dumb mechanic know that radiator fluid doesn't belong in the oil pan (and yes that has happened!)!!!! So your analogy doesn't hold water.

There are stubborn people on both sides of the tech call! So when people who are of the alpha type, friction will happen. Plus, the idea of CUSTOMER SERVICE has left the computer/retail world! If I spend $3000 for a good, plus Apple support, they better back up their product! I don't ask for much, I just ask for people to say what they mean and back up what they say/sell (within certain time restraints).

[Long rant/joke]Now on the other hand, to use your analogy, would you drive a car without a license? So, I am a firm believer the governments should certify certain computers for net safety. Plus, computer users should have licenses to access the internet. Computers should also have to go through a yearly inspection (for security holes, spyware, viruses, etc.). So pray to GOD that I never make to the United Nations because over 95 % of net users would be kicked off until certain training/licenses have been issued (set by an intentional body), namely me! :eek: ::evil:: ::ha:: [/End Long rant/joke]
Hm... I guess 95% of people using Windows are the reason there is no such license. It would effectively kill Microsoft. ;)