Sharing internet from XP to OS X ok, but not to OS 9??



I have a small network running. I am sharing an internet connection from a PC laptop. The PC (running XP) shares excellently to my powerbook running OS 10.2 but I can't work out how to get it to work with my G4 running OS 9 - any ideas why it worked. I though DHCP would work, I even tried setting it up manually with it's own IP address but I couldn't get that to work either. HELP!! Please.
Those programs are for file sharing. You won't need them if you only want to share an internet connection.

I don't remember exactly how it has to be configured, but I know that you can share IP with a windoze network without the extra software. I had a graphite iMac DV and had two locations set up. One was for direct dial-up and the other was to use the ethernet connection. I'd switch back and forth depending on whether the network was on line or not

I recall that the two control panels in the location manager set-up were apple talk and tcp/ip, but I don't remember if there was another setting involved

OSX does it all dynamically and really well, but once you have the settings right in 9, it should be just as smooth.

ps You can also set up web-sharing in 9 to be able to access files over the lan via tcp/ip. It is a bit tricky but I had an Apple guy here in Cairo set it up for me
ok, back from a walk through memory lane in os9.

I assume you are already running analogX or some similar proxy on the laptop.

on the G4...
Set the apple talk control panel to ethernet

Set the TCP/IP control panel to connect via ethernet.
You probably want to configure manually. You will need the address of the laptop that is actually connected to the internet. You need the intranet address (the one from analogX or the other proxy software), not the actual assigned IP address from the ISP

Setup your G4 with an address in the same range as the laptop (usually 10.0.0.? or 192.168.0.?) and use the same subnet mask (usually but just make sure it's the same as the laptop)

In Router Address, put the address of the laptop.

you should be good to go.