Site check

Looks okay to me ... no real probs when browsing in Safari. The layout seems to make good sense and the graphics are nice.
Originally posted by toast
Safari v73

The site won't open.

Hmmm...strange. Are you sure that it does not open or did Safari just lock up, try restarting Safari. Can anyone else confirm this?


Originally posted by twister
Looks pretty spiffy. One comment. Why are the categories buttons so ailised?

This is because they are dynamically generated by a PHP script. I do not think I can make them anti-aliased with this method but if you know of a way please let me know :)


Originally posted by twister
Wow. It acts like an image but it's really text. How did you do that?

He-he :D OK, here is some sample code for you:

	//Here is where we tell the browser it is a GIF
	Header("Content-Type: image/gif");
	//Call the background image (that you want the text on
	$im = imageCreateFromGIF("button.gif");
	//The color of the text
	$black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
	//Format the text
	ImageString($im, 3, 10, 3, $text, $black);
	//Print the image to the browser

Now, if you put the following HTML in your document:

<img src="button.php?text=Text Here">

It will print the string "Text Here" onto your image.

Pretty simple eh? ;)
