Skype qs unexpectedly when isight activated


Hi can anyone please help me. Im running a G3 600mhz 512mb RAM imac on 10.3.9 and have downloaded Skype which is fine but as soon as I check prefs for video it quits unexpectedly. I get about 2 seconds worth of my image then all gone. Please can anyone help. Thanks
I'm running an older beta of skype,, and it is working fine with my firewire-attached iSight on my Powerbook G4 (running tiger). I haven't tried yet though.

A few ideas:

Try downloading the latest firmware for your iSight camera from Even if you already have it, download it again and install it. (Maybe something happened.)

Try creating a new user account on your computer (System Preferences, Users (or Accounts... can't remember)). Log out, and log in as the new user, and attempt to use Skype with the camera.

Also make sure that your camera is working with iChat.

Lastly, launch the Console (in the Utilities folder, it's called "Console"). Have Console running while you launch and crash Skype, and see if anything useful pops up.
Thanks for that, will try those suggestions.
I have read lots of people are having problems with their max on this latest version and some suggest using an older version for better video quality (any video would be good!!) Any ideas where I can get an older version of Skype?