Spammers Hi-Jacked My .Mac Email!


Barking at the moon.
Just yesterday I began getting returned emails, like the ones you get when send something to a dead address, to messages I've never sent. I even received a blank email sent to myself, that I didn't construct.

What the hell? :mad: Is there any way to stop this? Does this mean they have the password to my .Mac account?
Nope and nope.

They don't have your password. Email works the same way as regular mail if I know your address then I can write it as the sending address on any letter I send.

Even though this is a pain, it is a feature since it allow me to send work mail from home and vice versa.
themacko said:
Just yesterday I began getting returned emails, like the ones you get when send something to a dead address, to messages I've never sent. I even received a blank email sent to myself, that I didn't construct.

What the hell? :mad: Is there any way to stop this? Does this mean they have the password to my .Mac account?

macko: (1)This means someone with a Windows machine, and has you in their address book(Outlook) has a virus and is emailing everybody in their (the virus holder's) address book account. (2)Your email has harvested by a spider program off the net somehow.
just a windows virus, I think a MyDoom variant... it used a "Mailer Daemon" spoofed sender, since it may seems a trusted sender...
Well, it doesn't need be a virus that is doing it. I have got bounce backs before from real spam being sent... spammers use known valid email addresses to attempt to avoid spam filters, which filter based upon source domain or email address, rather than a scoring method for the content of the spam.
well as long it's nothing I need to be too concerned about. i'd just never seen that before. thanks for the info!