speedup and diverting the downloader


Hi Guys,

I want to create my own downloader like Mass Downloader,iGetter etc. in Mac using Cocoa.

How can I divert the link from browser to my donwloader application and speedup the downloader speed ?

I did lots of googly but did not get any useful link from where I can start my implementation.

Please suggest some useful links.

Do you mean to download via ftp? like safari?
If you do, Cant you just use a terminal command?

while ! curl -C - -O 'http://macosx.com/forums/software-programming-web-scripting/297719-speedup-diverting-downloader.html'; do sleep 10; done

Couldn't you build a program with a box for you t type what you want to download in and then you run terminal command in the background??

Im not sure. I dont do devlopment. Just an idea :)
thanks CJ MAC OSX IPOD for reply
curl is use for downloading purpose but my intention to downloading with high speed like massdownloader do.
Speed Downloader installs a plugin and an input manager to hook into Safari so you would have to look into doing something similar. Basically an input manager loads your own code into another application in order to change the application.
I m trying to do in the same way as u said. When I installed iGetter on my MakBook then I came to know the different functionalities of it.
But problem is that I don't have any sample to proceed.
I was expecting some imp link from where I can start my implementation.
