Streaming video


Hi and sorry if there is a simple fix for my problem.

I have a video on my site - which is on my computer @

(I dived with sharks for my 30th birthday present of my missus)

I have a problem - the video doesn't stream and I want it to.

At the moment it has to load completely (19megs) before it starts playing.

How do I make it start playing before it's fully loaded - you know, cache first then play?

I have Quicktime pro, the movie was put together with iMovie and the page with Dreamweaver.

I exported from iMovie for web with streaming.

Please help.
For streaming Quicktime, you need the Quicktime Streaming Server software from Apple. I think it's free but I can't find where you can download it from Apple's site.

If you have a fast enough internet connection you can do progressive download where the video will play as it's downloaded. Sort of like streaming but the video will download as fast as it can instead of a constant bitrate.