too many users!!!


geez o pete
Alright, I don't usually log out of my machine, because I'm the only person that uses it. I have it set to log in automatically on startup.

I logged out today, and I think there may be too many users!
There are login spots for Administrative User, Philip Gilchrist, and Other...

I assume that Other is supposed to be there, because when I click on it, both fields are empty. That's probably for remote login or something, right?
But what about this Administrative User? I thought I was the administrative user! I'm a little confused as to why that is there, and am wondering if anybody might have an explanation, and perhaps a way to get it off of there.
I wasn't able to login as the Admin User because the password that I apparently didn't know I set was wrong, so I booted up from my iBook OSX install disk and changed all my passwords. I can login now, but I still don't know why Admin User is there. Can I transfer Admin privileges to my account, Philip Gilchrist?

Thoroughly confused,
The user 'other' was created by you when you enabled root access, be very careful when using this root access, especially if you can't keep track of the passwords that you create. Go to the 'accounts" pref pane, check if the Philip Gilchrist account is 'admin' type. if it is, then you are (administrator, that is) any account can be an administrator, except ROOT, who is a superuser. talk to someone familiar with Unix for more info, Meanwhile, you are an administrator, as long as your account is listed that way in 'accounts' pref pane. Suggestion: don't mess with root user unless you absolutely know what you're doing. Oh, you could delete that extra 'administrative user' account, if the system will let you. if you are the only user, probably not needed for anything.
Thanks! That's all I wanted to know. :D


ps- My account is listed as admin, so i did delete the Administrator account successfully :)