Unable to sync iMac and MacBook Pro



I have an iMac 3.06GHz 1TB HD with 4GB RAM and a 17" MacBook Pro 2.4GZ and 4GB RAM both running OSX 10.5.3 and an individual Mobile Me account which used to be a .Mac account.
I can no longer sync the iMac using Mobile Me. Syncing ius disabled and I can find no way to enable it.
The Macbook Pro shows both computers as registered for syncing but the iMac shows neither. The Macbook Pro seems to have no problem with syncing, other than what I want to sync is on the iMac which will not sync.
I have searched this nsite and the Apple site but can find no reference to why syncing is disabled on the iMac. It worked fine under .Mac
Do you have any ideas please as this is beginning to get urgent


I am surprised no one has answered this, even to tell me I am a complete arse. Even so, I still have not resolved the problem. Even an archive and install did not work, but then I guess it would not as it retains the previous settings.

When I click on the system preferences/sync button everything is greyed out, even the button which says unregister, suggesting the iMac is registered with Mobile Me. It was, but I unregistered it from the MacBook thinking that might help. It did not and I can not register it. The sync icon in the status bar says syncing is disabled.

As I said before, it worked perfectly with .Mac and as far as I know, I changed nothing other than the update for mobile me.

If anyone has any suggestions at all, please let me know. This is really starting to bug me as I can lo longer sync the two computers.

Here's a bit from Apple's discussion forums:

1. In the Finder, choose Applications from the Go menu, then double-click iSync.
2. Choose Preferences from the iSync menu.
3. Click the Reset Sync History button.
4. When the dialog opens to confirm the reset, click Reset Sync History.
5. Close the Preferences window.
6. Quit iSync.
7. Restart your computer.
8. After your computer starts up, attempt to sync with .Mac again.


1. In the Finder, choose Utilities from the Go menu. After the Utilities folder opens, double-click the application "Terminal."
2. In the Terminal window that opens, type (or copy and paste) the following command:

killall SyncServer syncuid SystemUIServer

3. Press the Enter key on your keyboard. Your menu bar (where the clock is located) may flash.
4. Choose Quit Terminal from the Terminal menu.
5. In Finder, Choose Home from the Go menu. In the new window, open the Library folder, then open the Application Support folder.
6. Click once to select the SyncServices folder and choose Create Archive of "SyncServices" from the File menu. This will create a file named SyncServices.zip. Move the SyncServices.zip file to the desktop.
7. Move the SyncServices folder to the Trash, then empty the Trash by choosing Empty Trash from the Finder menu.
8. Restart the computer.
9. After your computer starts up, attempt to sync with .Mac again.
From: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=977431

Some people are reporting that all that's needed is the bit about removing the SyncServices folder. I would suggest you read through the linked thread first before proceeding to get a better understanding of what solved what for what people.
Thanks very much for that. It was the link that helped. The problem was the keychain password for reasons I do not understand. Although it would previously log me in to mobile me, I could not do anything with it. When deleted from the keychain and logging in again (with the same password) the problem was solved. Maybe the other stuff helped as well.

Thanks very much and many thanks to all who help