Upgrade 10.3.9 to 10.4 problems



I've got an ibook G4 933mhz with 256mb ram, dvd rom, firewire and 6mb of space on my hard disk.

When I try to install tiger it tells me it can't be installed on this computer. The disk i'm using is the install disk which was shipped with my G5 tower.

Is the problem the software disk? would I need to buy another one? or is it because there's another issue? Can anyone advise!!?

Many thanks

You can't use the G5's disc to install on a different model Mac.
Buy a retail copy of Tiger.
Another thing : I doubt that even the retail copy of Tiger will install on 6 MB of remaining disk space.
Yeah, it wouldn't. But the first post in the thread doesn't say anything like that, does it? Either way: You _need_ the retail copy, because you've only got a license for your G5 to run Tiger. If you want to run it on the iBook, you need a license of Tiger for the iBook.