Usb pcmcia card wont work with my wallstreet w/os9


Hello all,

This is my first time posting here. I tried the search and didn't quite find an answer to my particular problem. Your help would be really appreciated.

I have a wallstreet running os9.2 my friend gave me a USB pcmcia card but I'm really not sure if I'm doing this right. Does the card have to be mac specific?

When the card is plugged in I can see the cards icon on the screen but when I try to plug my usb thumb drive into it I get nothing else... If I double click on the icon it says "this pc card adds fuctionality to your computer. It cannot be opened". What should I be looking for? Thanks!
Well, the Mac would have to have the "drivers" to be able to support the card if the support wasn't provided with the operating system. Your best bet would be to try the website of the PCMCIA USB card and check for updated Mac OS 9.x software. You might find (especially with an old OS like 9.x) that there isn't much support for your operating system. While they might have the software for Mac OS X, the market for Mac OS 9 users is dwindling fast.
My experience:

No, the card isn't Mac specific.
All the USB drivers you need have been included in the OS since
9.1, and installing other drivers can mess you up.
On my USB card, only the left port has ever worked. After three
swapouts, I decided it was a feature.
The card must be in the upper PCMCIA slot.
The card must be in before startup.

I just verified with Leslye's thumb-thing. It mounts on the HD, with
icon separate from the USB icon, whether it was in the card before
or after starting.

My guess is that 9.2 is the problem. It does not play well with that
PB, and please note that 9.2 is not an *upgrade* to 9.1 -- it mostly
just provides the hooks needed to work with OSX, which I assume
you're not trying to run on that old beast.

Hope this helps