Weird video problem in OS X


Just me :)
Hi Everybody,

Since yesterday I have a very weird problem on my iMac (intel, 2008). This happened after a reboot.

- no hovers when you mouse-over something which normally gives a popup with some info
- expose hot corners doesn't work anymore, F-keys do.
- Dock won't magnify
- no mouse-over when in context menu's, so no ability to select submenu's. Work-around that does work is keep right mouse key pressed. That does work.

All in all a very weird problem and I have *no clue* where to look.

Also tried logging in with another account, to no avail...
Did you, perchance, activate something in the "Universal Access" pane of the System Preferences? You didn't have to actually visit that pane to turn stuff on; you can turn on many things there with keyboard shortcuts that you may have accidentally pressed.

Look specifically under the "Mouse & Trackpad" or just "Mouse" tab of the "Universal Access" pane and ensure any options you don't want enabled are turned off. It sounds like you may have something related to Mouse Keys enabled.
Definately not.. That's not it. I don't remember me ever touching it. However, I checked to be sure. Nope.. That's not it. Also, it happened after a reboot.

Only thing I can remember is installing Boxee lately. Didn't uninstall that yet. I think I had to reboot because of an Apple update but can't remember which one :(. Where can I find the install logs??
Well, let's see... just to cover all bases, can you repair permissions on your drive with Disk Utility?

If that doesn't work, reboot from the OS X Install/Restore CD/DVD, select "Disk Utility" from the "Utilities" menu when asked to select an installation language, and do a "Repair Disk."

If neither of those work, post back...
Is there a Beta release for Boxee yet?

Seeing as how this appears to be a System wide problem, booting from your Install DVD/CD and use the Repair Disc feature on Disc Utility ... could also run Repair Permissions too while your at it.

Where can I find the install logs??

Not sure where they are, but to get rid of the App, go to the Applications folder and drag the app to the Trash, then run a Spotlight check on Boxee and see what it uncovers ... just drag the associated files to the Trash and empty it.

I use AppTrap to remove all the associated *cruft* that's left behind with any App uninstallation ...

With AppTrap, whenever you drag an app to the Trash, a dialogue window springs open, showing you the associated files, plist or folders and asks you if you would like to also delete them too. Sometimes there's a shared file and AppTrap will bring this to your attention and it's up to you whether you choose to "Keep" or "Delete" ....

You don't need to remember to run AppTrap each and every time you delete an app ... it's a System Preference Pane and detects whenever any App is deleted. So you see the dialogue box even though you may have totally forgotten about this lil' uninstaller app.

Of course there are several other such like 3rd party solutions and to each their own .... (AppZapper, AppDelete, AppCleaner ... etc) and most likely not one of them are a guaranteed 100% trouble free uninstaller, so you do have to beware that you don't accidentally agree to deleting something that you may later regret.

Of course, 3rd Party solutions like the above aren't entirely necessary as the *cruft* left behind after an app is uninstalled doesn't occupy much in the way of disc space.

However, in when troubleshooting a problem then it's probably better to have as much of the original installation, if not all of it, totally removed from your Hard Drive.

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It was boxee indeed :(. The app 'boxeeservice'. When I killed that, all problems went away.

Thanks for the help guys. Oh, and of course I checked the repair / verify disk things ;).

So... morale: be carefull with the Boxee *alpha* stage software!!