What! Where? How? - Computer Name


I just opened the terminal and discovered this...

Last login: Fri Nov 23 18:01:30 on ttys000
macbookpro-xp:~ Ollie$

Where is the name 'macbookpro-xp' coming from?

This is a name I set my computer for windows sharing a year or two ago using sharepoints, since then I have done a clean installation of Leopard... how can this be still there?

It also seems to be picking this up in the sharing pref pane too... However, I have my computer name set as 'Ollie's Mac'.

Where is it getting 'macbookpro-xp' from and how can I change it?

Thanks in advance!
Terminal reports: macbookpro-xp.home

Satcomer - as mentioned above, I have set the name to something different in the sharing prefs. It saves the chnage but nothing else reflects this. I have also restarted after this, turned sharing on and off etc.
In The Leopard Sharing Preference pane what does it report when you hit the Edit button. Plus in Terminal type:
$cd /Volumes/

Then tell use what volumes you have.
I have discovered what it was. It appears my BTHomeHub (router) seems to have power over the hostname when my computer is connected to it.

Away from the network my computer goes back to what is displayed in the sharing panel.