Windows to Go PowerPC

Voice, you must have entered it incorrectly. I swear it's a real site. Not a bogus one I made up just to be a smart a$$. ;)

In other words, the URL I included is completely (il)legitimate. True blue, you might say. Or not.

I'm not spreading any rumors that are false. I would never do that. But, there is the odd, undisclosed position within Microsoft called the Director of Moving the Windows Platform over to the Power PC Platform. Now, I know that is a very subtle title for a person to have within Microsoft, but I'm sure you can read between the lines.

I'm just playing around. I'm not trying to make fun of your ideas. We all know there's an X86 machine running full OS X somewhere in Cupertino (I'm serious!).

But I couldn't resist the temptation to be a smart alek. So, hopefully, no offense.

No. The English call it "humor". It's what brightens up our lives.

Spam is unhealthy.

Um... there was an old version of Windows (Nt 3 I think, maybe even 4) that ran on PPC hardware. It went the same way as NT on Alpha, and dinosaurs... extinction (sp?).

You are the man! You know, I didn't even really read your post until now. I just assumed that you had taken offence. So much for me reading between the lines. My excuse is that it was late here (after midnight).

Now I don't feel so bad about making fun of you. :)

Lycander: Right. I remember reading about the PowerPC and Alpha ports. That's why my post is so relevant (not really).

iMan: They're probably just doing server maintainance. You might (not) want to try again in a few hours.

Doug, as a mod, aren't you supposed to be a model of behavior? (No pun intended, of course...)

Windows would never go to PPC because they don't run as fast or as hot as Intel's chips, and that's bad marketing. Or something.

You got me on that one. I did use the appropriate winking smiley in my thread starter. I also had my seat upright and my tray table locked. Not only that, but I was wearing my Boy Scout uniform whilst engaging in these harmless hijinks.

Incidentally, I realize humor doesn't always translate well across cultures. My post was making fun of BusinezGuy's post that promised proof that Apple was going to transition over to X86 chips. His was a joke too.

Plus, this may come as a surprise to you all, but the URL is bogus. On the other hand, try this one:

All I'm saying is I don't see Cheryl or Evildan starting threads like this...

WHY can't I be a mod??? WHY????

Oh yeah, I missed the boat. Fahk!
I remember Scott saying once...

"Welcome to Please check all smiles at the door."

If Microsoft switched to power pc just imagine how many customers Apple would get.
Consumers will look at one operating system and then the other.
Dell will increase their prices and make brown machines again.
Microsoft will find some way to change the hardware and software. They'll adopt quicktime and change it to sicktime.
blah blah blah blahhhhhhh
fryke will stop dressing up in a Panther suit.