WINE reaches Beta Stage - 0.9 is out


Artifical Lifeform
Press release:

"The Wine Project, the community of free software developers dedicated to opening Linux and other POSIX compatible operating systems to Windows applications, today announced the completion of the core architecture for Wine, an open-source project that allows Windows applications to run natively on Linux. Now available as Wine version 0.9, the tools and libraries are functionally complete and ready for commercial testing and optimization."

From the WINE site:

This is release 0.9 of Wine, a free implementation of Windows on Unix. After 12 years of development, this release marks the beginning of the beta testing phase. Everybody is encouraged to try it; while there are still bugs, most applications are expected to at least install and do something useful.

Because of lags created by using mirrors, this message may reach you before the release is available at the ftp sites. The sources will be available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

It will likely take a little while for the binary packages to get built (which we suggest you use.) An official press release later today will have more details on what you can expect from this release.


This is a major step in the development of the famous software. 12 years of testing and development... Microsoft: This is how testing of software is done!

Also, WINE has switched to NT-base, default settings are now Windows 2000.
