Wireless Networking



I'm going to setup a wireless network in my home for the very first time. My brother is using a Windows PC, equipped with an 802.11G card. Would there be any difficulty for him to connect to my wireless network? I plan to get a Linksys WRT54GL router to create the network on my Mac. Is there anything I should configure in OS X? Would I also be able to limit his download/upload speed?

Thanks so much for your time. More power.

You should be able to share the same wireless router without problems. The only thing I can think of that might be a problem is if you set the security/authentication to WPA and he doesn't have XP SP2. He'll need XP SP2 to connect to WPA networks.
Thanks! Will I be able to limit his upload/download speed? If not, is there anything out there that will let me do that?
Thanks! Will I be able to limit his upload/download speed? If not, is there anything out there that will let me do that?

Most modern routers (the slightly more expensive ones) have bandwidth limiting Advance functions. Read up on the router for it's advance features.

I have the same router, you should have no problems at all.

With all the wirless routers I have used one can set bandwith restrictions to the 4 ports on the router only. I have not been able to find anything to restrict bandwith to a selective user logged on to the wireless network.

If you fund anything please let me know.

Good luck
I'm using a similar router by Linksys - no problems. If you do run into anything, just ask for help.
but you agree you can't limit bandwidth to specific users on WiFi, right eric2006? I know _one_ thing you can do, though. You can tell him not to overdo it. If he _does_ clog your bandwidth, simply change the key to enter the network for a while. He'll learn. :) (*HE* can control the bandwidth on his computer without much trouble.)
Yes, there is no way that I know of to limit the bandwidth of users. You can limit to it wireless B, which would limit him to 11 mb/s (but would also limit all wireless clients), you can block users, and you can disable wireless.