WOOOHOOOO command-tab is fixed! [10.2]

:D definitely good news. now we just need to wait for liteswitch (the BEST app switcher) :) to work on Jaguar
kommakazi: command-tab in 10.1 is all but useless...

Say you have 10 applications open
but at the moment you are working in BBedit and Photoshop [building a website or soemthing] so you're switching between those two applications all the tiem while the others are just running in the background.

command-tab in 10.1 will go through all of the open applications in order
command-tab in 10.2 will go between the last two applications you had open. If you hit command-tab-tab it will break out and go through everything in order.
It's improved but the msft way is still better. It's not uncommon for me to work with three apps at a time. Windows will cycle through in the order that I've used most recently, OSX will cycle through the most recent two then switch to their normal useless order.

Sometimes I feel like they don't do it that way just to be different. msft doesn't hold themselve back in that manner, neither should apple.

just as xaqintosh said, when Liteswitch is updated - it will do exactly as you described. (and does so with a transparent box with all your open app icons - box disappears when you let go of apple+tab)
this is better, but i agree with what vanguard said 110% , why you should need a program like liteswitch [which i've used and consider to be a super-useful utility]....to do something the OS should already be doing...is just beyond me.

I too have qualms with apple's seeming forgetfulness.

Or perhaps I just expect to use my computer in different ways than the average apple person? Is the absence of a proper, elegant task switching mechanism simply my ignorance of a "different way" to work w/my computer? Who knows.

Maybe apple does?
you can't hi t C 0 Mm and shift to go backwards anymor e . By the way , this message was written using Ink ,if Y GU can't tell