Xterm prefs


hey all,

In X11 is there a preference folder for how xterm looks and runs etc. I would like to be able to change the colour and have the scroll bar appear when opening as default.

How do I do this?


EDIT: Also would it be possible to say have servers listed in the Applications menu of X11 and have it connect to them with SSH and open that in a new window of a specific appearence?

I already have it running so that I just type the server name and it connects via ssh with a simple alias in the source file. Could I just tack other commands in here or some such.

Create with pico in terminal.app a file called .Xdefaults in your home directory and write the following:

 *XTerm*deleteIsDEL:              true
     xterm*saveLines:             10000
     xterm*scrollBar:             true
     xterm*rightScrollBar:        true
     xterm*jumpScroll:            true
     xterm*cursorColor:           red
     xterm*colorBD:               darkblue
     xterm*colorBDMode:           true
     xterm*highlightColor:        yellow

     xterm*Background:            DarkSlateBlue
     xterm*Foreground:            black
Change to the colors you like.