Hi all. I've got an ongoing issue with the embedded BBC iPlayer on my iMac. For a while now all I get is the loading screen but no video. The iPlayer itself is fine as is any other Flash content but the embedded news articles don't work. I've tried uninstalling Flash and re-installing as...
All of a sudden I am experiencing a VERY strange & VERY worrying problem with my iMac. It's as if the screen has suddenly developed a feint flicker and red lines can be seen all over it. They're only feint and can be seen especially in the finder (see attachment). Is this a virus?
Hi all. I have an issue with the appearance of the OS on my new iMac. The copy on things like the iCal icon in the dock and the tabs in the facial recognition in iPhoto, is misaligned. (I've added a screenshot so you can see what I mean.) Also, when I drag an application icon in the dck there's...
Hi all. I use Flash an awful lot and the 'F' keys are pretty important in terms of quick-keyage so I was wondering if there is any way of 'disabling' the media controller functions of these keys on an Apple extended aluminium keyboard?
Hi all. I've encountered an odd problem with my iPhone 3G. On occassion the album artwork doesn't show. It displays the artwork if I'm in cover-flow orientation and as a thumbnail when I'm scanning through albums but not when I select that album.
Any thoughts on why this might be happening?
Yeah, I'm sure it'll be a great bit of kit but I can't see it replacing a PVR or a DVD-recorder if it doesn't have a record facility. I've been reading up about digital TV tuners for my laptop and they seem to have a couple of major flaws. You need to have your computer on and you can't program...
Thanks bobw. It certainly sounds like an interesting bit of kit but if I can't record anything onto it it's not really an 'instead of' purchase in relation to a PVR or DVD recorder. Maybe I'll just make do with one of them until the iTV does more.
Hi all, last night I was discussing the pros and cons of buying a PVR against a DVD-recorder with a hard-drive and a mate told me of the Apple iTV box. Unfortunately he didn't really know much about it. What is it and what is it likely to do? Will it be worth waiting for one instead of buying a...
Hi all, I wanna burn a playlist from iTunes but I don't want the track information to appear. Essentially I want it to appear as one mp3 named something like 'MIX'. I know about the ol' crossfade playback thing but I don't know how to burn it in this way. Any one out there know how to do this?