Sorry if this has been covered already, but....
What\'s with all my apostrophes turning into backslash-apostrophes?! Is it a setting I\'ve turned on by accident?
For an extreme example, check out this post:
I wonder if that\'s why Stuffit Expander was complaining I had selected a \"flat destination\" when i tried expanding files onto my UFS-formatted main hard-drive? Definitely worth a shot, anyways!
Keep the replies coming! It\'s encouraging!
Are you running it under Mac OS X? It works for me under Mac OS 8.6, just not under X.
There may be an issue with me trying to run it off a UFS formatted drive, though. I\'ll try running it off an HFS drive.
Mac OS X Public Beta seems to work with DHCP, at least most of the time. I use DHCP with Shaw's @Home service here in Victoria, Canada.
I had a few problems with DNS lookups a couple of weeks ago after I installed BrickHouse (a firewall program), but a re-install cured that. :) I'd say go...
Here's what I got:
% ./ICQ
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Mirabilis/ICQ/NetAware/CNetAwareApp
Anyway, it looks like a similar error. Anyone else have any luck compiling (& running) the Java version of ICQ?
I tried it. I got it to compile & run on the Solaris machines at school. It's pretty flaky. But at least it's an ICQ client.
I couldn't get it to compile on my OS X box. A runtime error of sorts I can't remember right now occured. Anyone else have any luck? I'd really like to get it to...
If you accidentally command-tab past the app you wanted, just Command-shift-tab to go back. I believe this is similar to Mac OS 9.
I use Proteron's "Liteswitch" under OS 8.6 -- what a great little piece of software -- free, too: It puts the command-tab...
Not sure how many people know this (or even if it's already been posted), but if you command-click an application in the Dock, it will highlight the original item in a new Finder window. :)