exactly, it even says that it is a "classic application" in the kind part of the window but when i open it it acts like a document or something? And when I go to show info it gives me the ability to pick the application to open it?!?! which seems strange because you rarely open applications...
Alright so clearly I have no clue what I am doing. I am using the OS X version of disk copy but it doesn't acknowledge the file at all. If i double clikc the file disk copy opens and does nothing. If i try to drag the file onto the disk copy window it doesn't accept it. Finally if I go to...
Please someone tell me how I can convince Os X to open classic applications with extensions like .smi
it wants to open self mounting apps in disk copy. So going to the files application screen under show info lets me choose the app to open it, but the file IS the app isn't it? I tried...
Ok so normally I am pretty good with computers. Normally I can find most of the features on my own and things are good. This isn't one of those times. Why do i feel like i have no clue how much space anything takes up in OS X? How do I find out how much free hard drive space i have? And how...
I just went for the traditional approach. Logged in as root (whats the deal with everything being under such heavy security in Os X that even admins can't touch it? just curious) deleted everthing related to Quicktime and then started up with the cd and installed. Things work now, I still...
For some reason my quicktime no longer works. To general of a way of putting it? Well then, whenever i start quicktime it hangs and i after the icon is done bouncing if i option click it in the dock I get that dreadfull little message of "application not responding" anyone else know how this...
I still can't find 4.0 for the mac so i couldn't really respond to say if it helps me or not... maybe i am writing prematurely because i haven't looked extremely in depth but on the web site i hit upgrade and only got 3.3, i see their m-business 4.0 advertised but thats about it. Any ideas? I...
Well I don't want to turn this thread into a non-os x related subject but i did start having this problem only when i started running os x (any one having success with avant go being emulated in 9??). But what seems to happen is that when it opens the avant-go part of the sync it goes through...
Well as far as this being the wrong forum for talking about the problem i don't think so. I have been having problems with osx and syncing avant go ever since i installed osx and its driving me nuts. I got it to sync 1 time since i install x and it was right after i restarted my whole computer...
I installed os x and didn't have to much trouble, but in dealing with my internet connection I found that I had to restart using the mas os 9.1 still on my hard drive on a different partition. I was able to do this fine but then when i used the updated startup disk control panel to change my...